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Platelet rich plasma therapy is a new cutting-edge therapy used for rejuvenation and regeneration

Service Description

WORLD PRP with its patented 25ml hourglass-shaped tube allow unlimited flexibility to produce the highest quality PRP in the shortest amount of time! Using your own blood drawn by an experienced nurse, a concentrate of platelets and plasma proteins (the best part of your blood) are extracted from the sample and used for the treatment. They contain numerous growth factors that are vital for tissue regeneration and repair. The growth promoting properties can be used to accelerate the repair of aged and damaged tissues, with the most common treatment areas being face, neck, chest rejuvenation and scalp for hair regeneration. Ask your provider about using PRP as under eye or smile line filler! A great alternative to traditional filler! Face, neck and chest start with 3 sessions, 4 weeks apart and then once a year maintenance recommended. 15 minutes under the Oxygen Dome + RED LED light therapy included complimentary with every treatment

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